

FRED-analyzer is a tool to analyze the timing properties of applications running upon the FRED framework.

The tool offers the following features:

  • it provides analytical bounds on the maximum delay that can be experienced by a SW-task when requesting the execution of a hardware accelerator;

  • it allows computing an upper-bound on the worst-case response time of a SW-task that requests the execution of hardware accelerators, and runs together with other SW-tasks under preemptive fixed-priority scheduling; and

  • it allows bounding the worst-case delay experienced by hardware accelerators when accessing a shared memory through a series of hierarhically-connected bus interconnects (required to bound their worst-case execution times). The analysis can also take into account the presence of the predictable bus manager.

The tool is capable of testing different configurations of the system to perform a design space exploration. Specifically, it allows controlling

  • the partitioning of the FPGA fabric and the affinities of the hardware accelerators;

  • the priorities and the deadlines of SW-tasks;

  • the structure of the bus hierarchy and its connections to hardware accelerators; and

  • the configuration of the predictable bus manager (transaction budget, nominal burst size, and maximum number of outstanding transactions).

A. Biondi, A. Balsini, M. Pagani, E. Rossi, M. Marinoni, and G. Buttazzo, “A Framework for Supporting Real-Time Applications on Dynamic Reconfigurable FPGAs”, Proc. of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2016), Porto, Portugal, Nov. 29 - Dec. 2, 2016.